Saint Edward Mission

Mission Statement: Our Parish Family at St. Edward’s Church is a Catholic community where the saving word is proclaimed “so that all might grow in the love and knowledge of God”; as a place for the worship of the One by Whom, through Whom, and in Whom we are saved; as a mean s for gathering believers in community; and as a resource for the generous service of all people. Amen

Welcome to St. Edward’s Catholic Church in Pulaski, Va. We are a mission of St. Mary’s Mother of God in Wytheville, VA. Our small parish family is led by Fr. Frank Boat and is a close knit family who welcomes all who enter our doors.

North Washington Ave & 7th Street NW (P.O. Box 1670), Pulaski, VA 24301

Mass Times

Please Visit to watch the Diocesan Livestreamed Masses.

You can still support our parish through prayer and by giving online. Just click our Donate Online link above.

St. Edward Mass Schedule
Daily:  TBA

Sunday: 11:00am 









Take Exit 94 off of I-81 toward the Town of Pulaski. Go to the fourth traffic light and turn right onto Washington Ave. Travel Washington Ave, through the blinking caution light, up the hill to 7th Ave and the church is on the right.

Daily Reading

Daily Reading

Tuesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time
October 22, 2024

Reading 1 EPH 2:12-22

Brothers and sisters:
You were at that time without Christ,
alienated from the community of Israel
and strangers to the covenants of promise,
without hope and without God in the world.
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off
have become near by the Blood of Christ.

For he is our peace, he made both one
and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his Flesh,
abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims,
that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two,
thus establishing peace,
and might reconcile both with God,
in one…



October 20, 2024: Homily- 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 20, 2024